Movie Review: A Quiet Place

“If they hear you, they hunt you”, runs the tagline of the new thriller A Quiet Place.  In the case of the post-apocalyptic world of the movie, this is very, very accurate.  Accurate to the point where if a vase drops, you die.  A Quiet Place, overall, was a very good movie, intense and emotional, and, despite a few minor issues,  manages to please most audiences Continue reading

5 Ways Ready Player One Is Different From The Book

Today, Ready Player One hit theaters across America.  If you’re like me and have read and enjoyed Ernest Cline’s novel, you may feel like something is missing from the movie.  Why?  Well, let’s just say there are a few differences between the book and the movie.  And that is most definitely an understatement.  So what’s different in the movie from the book?

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