How Online Courses Have Helped Me More Than Public School

Currently, in my science class, we’re studying earth science.  Since fourth grade, we have been studying nothing but earth science mixed with a little bit of meteorology here and there.  Although I am far from a fan of earth science, I think it can be interesting if it is taught correctly.  Today, in science, we watched Ice Age.  Specifically, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.  Although I can go on for hours about the scientific and historical inaccuracy of this movie, that’s not the point.  The real question is: why are we watching cartoons in science class?

This isn’t even the worst of it.  In history, I’ve studied the same time period for five years. In math, I’ve been learning pre-algebra since fifth grade, and although I’m in middle school I have not advanced.  In language arts, we’re following the same essay structures and grammar rules that we did back in elementary school.


Meanwhile, through Khan Academy, I’ve been studying biology, algebra, and American history.  Khan Academy.  A website that literally anyone with access to a computer can use.  Yet it’s taught me more than anything I’ve learned this year in the classroom.  This isn’t the first beneficial online learning program I’ve used, either.  I’ve also had experience with sites such as Gifted Learning Links, G3, and Art of Problem Solving.  So far, online school has helped me more than a physical classroom environment.  Why?  In my experience, public school just isn’t challenging enough.  I have over 100% in all of my classes currently, and haven’t had a single homework assignment all year.  Online courses, on the other hand, offer classes specifically for academically gifted students, giving me more opportunities to challenge myself.


If school just isn’t challenging enough, try supplementing it with online courses.  They can really help your learning experience.



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