How To Use Khan Academy to Educate Yourself

During summer, I like to take online courses to make sure I’m ahead throughout the upcoming school year.  Khan Academy is definitely one of the better websites I’ve used.  There are tons of online tutorials for a wide variety of subjects, as well as several quizzing features.  The best part? It’s completely free!    Here’s a guide to navigating this awesome educational website.

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A Nerd’s Guide to Portland

As I recently went there on vacation (the cause for the lack of posts lately), I feel like this is a good time for me to talk about Portland, Oregon.  There’s a lot of amazing things to do once you’re there, but the best by far (in my opinion) is to visit Powell’s City of Books, the largest independent bookstore in the world.  Then there’s the oldest bookstore in Portland, Cameron’s Books and Magazines.  For the science lovers out there, there’s OMSI, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.  The current featured exhibit, Robot Revolution, is particularly interesting.  And if after all of this activity you get hungry, Portland happens to be filled with awesome food.

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Why We Shouldn’t Be Awarding Anything Less Than A 4.0 GPA

A scene most parents and kids are familiar with is that of an academic awards ceremony.  There’s nothing wrong with this.  It’s a perfectly fine way to honor kids for achieving their goals.  But as the event starts to drag on, and people are only half paying attention, the fact that not all of these kids should be getting awards in the first place becomes clear.  For example, at my elementary school, they had 3 levels of honor roll, the lowest one attainable by getting up to 2 Cs.  Are these really the grades we want to encourage the next generation to get?  Why do we applaud mediocrity?  It could because we just want to encourage kids to reach their dreams, but maybe our academic standards have lowered over the years.

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The Beginning of the Journey…

Greetings!  I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences through this blog.  Of course, there are a few things you should expect in here: gigantic book reviews, detailed discussions of various fandoms, complaints about movies that are different from the books, ranting about the limited options for advanced students at schools (my school, at least), and entries about day-to-day stuff.  So, yeah.  That’s basically my life.

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

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